Early rise, busy workday, bready breakfast, leftover lunch, I walk a lot, fruits and yogurt dinner [Wed 19]

 I write this at 12.20am of the night of the same day, I'm finally if I may say so against the dozens of promises I've made previously, 'caught up' journal-wise, and if I can dump six extra bullshit posts tomorrow and the day after, I'll rest in peace. As I wrote short few posts ago, things are up on the up.

SO as usual I got up quite early this morning, didn't want to go back to sleep because the day looked so goddamn bright and chill. Listened to the office ladies podcast, possibly something else. By the time I started job at 8.30 it felt like I'd been up for hours. Should have written, alas.

The workday was full of meetings with people in the new team. I had a review at work after a managerial meeting, and it appears things are looking good towards that as well, should be working towards a promotion at this point. A colleague who was leaving the team told me to look around for cool interesting jobs as well, and he'd be more than willing to help me should I need his guidance and assistance.

For breakfast I had nice marathon bread toasted, one slice with hummus, the other slice with peanut butter on it. And then a banana. Lunch was the quinoa-meal heated up, the leftover from yesterday.

After work I wrote a bit, to kill time as it was too hot to go out on a walk. Took a cold shower, and went out on a walk at 6.40. Walked until 8, just in the park right next to my house, took 12 rounds of the whole place, possibly a few more. It wasn't very exciting to be walking in one place, but you do get to see and know people a little bit, and don't need to cross streets, so it's a great way to get your step counts up. I was at 12000 today.

Came back, had some yogurt and fruit. And started writing. After watching a tonne of youtube etcetera. It's half past midnight now, and I'm done for the day, cleaned up an hour before. Hopefully I'll be able to write a bunch tomorrow morning, and we'll be back into the super-productive form. Is it possible the vitamin D's I've been taking religiously for the past two weeks or so might have been working?

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