Journey back home, kimchi stew meal, park walk, child talk [Sun 23]

I write this two weeks after the fact, a lot of details are bound to be fuzzy and uncertain. I'm using the photos I took of the day and any vague recollection I might have had to fill in the detail. At this point, I'm just writing for the sake of doing this, and totally fine with it. Just get on bruh.

Had oats for breakfast at Brookline, egg and cheese sandwich for lunch. Took the bus-train-train-bus combo that I usually do to get home. Packed a bunch at home. For dinner at Quinoa and the kimchi stew from earlier. Did some serious walking late in the evening, This was the day a five-year young dude mistook me for his counterpart because my face was covered in mask and I am so short. I'm going to be as tall as you when I'm seven he said, thinking I was seven too. He was confused when I showed him my facial hair. Funtimes.

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