Things seem to be working out alright

 It is perhaps unwise to let too many divine entities get aware that things have been going alright actually, for fear of they might decide that it's not what the order of thins should be, and choose to smite you. Jinxing yourself right when everything seems to be falling into place is a terrible idea. Still, it's a good idea to count one's blessings, so to speak, and enumerate them once a while, as a reminder.

Things seem to be going pretty alright right now. The apartment situation has been sorted out, both here and in Seattle. The flight's been figured out. NYC trip was incredible, lots of catch-ups, and lots more final hangs upcoming before I depart in ten days. Work's getting busier and funner, and they're giving me more leadership opportunities. All the projects I was up to in Boston will be repeated in the new town, so nothing to worry there. Cooking is working out great, getting this motivation from who knows well. Going on intense walks every day, averaging 12k lately. Yeah people don't reply to texts anymore, but people who don't have their shit together should maybe get their shit together generally speaking.

Taking my vitamins as normal, and waking up on time. Going to bed not too late either. Sleep is a pleasure, food is enjoyable, suns our buns out. It's a bit too warm, not a bad problem to have generally. And oh I've been writing a bunch, I'm a day or two away from going for full workout-write-read-meditate routine.

Looking up.

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