Last full day in Boston, old memories, friends come to help, everything packed up and ready to go, Brookline night [Fri 28]

 I write this two weeks after the fact, a lot of details are bound to be fuzzy and uncertain. I'm using the photos I took of the day and any vague recollection I might have had to fill in the detail. At this point, I'm just writing for the sake of doing this, and totally fine with it. Just get on bruh.

Had beans and rice for brunch because there was nothing else to eat, all the groceries were done, the dishes packed up, I was all set to leave.

This was my last day in Boston.

In the morning I started testing the canvas laundry bags I was going to use as my third luggage. It's structural integrity seemed...questionable.

After lunch, I started packing clothes, while working in parallel. J and AD showed up around 1, which was wonderful because I was afraid I'd have to do it all by myself. J is really really good at packing and organizing, and after 4 hours of the two of us working, we got all the weights right, almost to half a pound.

Encountered so many touching fun old memories, all the way from 2005 and possibly even before. My notes from college, letters from friends, all of that. It was a whole rush of emotions, so difficult to deal with. It felt really heavy in my heart, and for the first time it hit me, the impact of the fact that I was actually truly moving moving to live all by myself for the first time in my life.

Anyway, we finished at around 6, everything was done and measured, the only remaining thing to give some supplies to BD and PD, and the painting to SK the next morning. The room would need some cleaning, but that was the pre-departure task.

We left for Brookline, I'd be spending my last night in Brookline since we had packed all my bedding and related material. Took the 101 to Sullivan, almost went crazy because of the delayed schedule, caught the commuter bus to Kenmore area, waited for the other bus for 20 minutes as we talked about J's new apartment and schedule, and finally got home. Waited for an hour for the food from Indian place to arrive, it was very decent.

Some movie watching may have happened, I don't remember because I slept so soundly and early.

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