Dogs day, long drive, supremely disappointing dinner [Sun 2]

 We got quick early wake, I wrote a little bit and we headed to Sk's place. We got breakfast there, bread and eggs and juice, and set out to East Washington to get SK's doggo. Spent like 30 minutes trying to find the ATM to get cash to pay, and then alternated the playlist. The drive east was pleasant, such diverse topography and weather and geography, I became ever more fascinated by the State of Washington.

We drove by the banks of lake Chelan for about an hour or so before we got to our destination: a farm where a nice older couple had a tonne of happy looking dogs, and they sold SK a cute little girl puppy who's a labradoodle. She was 8 weeks old. After playing with her for half an hour, we carried her with us and set off.

A carried her in his lap for this part of the journey. We stopped at a Walmart with subway where the boys went to get doggie supplies. I stayed with the doggo in the shadows of the tree and she threw up there. But that's also how we became friends. We got subway sandwiches, had some parts of them, and set off back home. At this point we'd driven five hours already, and had three more to go.

On the way back I discovered the little puppy was very very afraid of loud noises and vibration and basically anything you wouldn't find on a rural farm and was a ball of anxiety. She would snuggle with me, and on my lap as I tried to sleep, so I snuggled her and we went to sleep together, A took a really cute picture of the man and the animal asleep in the back seat of the car.

Many traumatic hours, for the dog, later, we came to the city and we stopped yet again at the petstore where SK bought ever more doggo supplies. We then went to his place, setup all the doggie stuff and tried to make sure she was potty trained/ knew how to eat and stuff. After mostly taking care of the doggo stuff, we ordered in from a nearby steak place, one of the very few places open. The dinner was awful, traumatic even, I've talked about that in one of the earlier posts.

Having taken care of the dog and put the disappointing dinner behind us, we set off to A's place at 3 in the morning.

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