Taco bell is the best fast food restaurant

 I've talked recently talked about eating quick taco bell bites in NYC, and how those dollar-fifty snacks are the tastiest, cheapest, healthiest snacks you can find around. In this post I'll argue why Taco Bell is the best cheap fast food restaurant, fullstop.

First, yes, lets clear the air, the old 'bell doesn't sell gourmet shit. It's not five guys or In 'N Out. But it doesn't pretend to be what it's not, despite the nice swanky cantinas that have been popping up. It was those nice cantinas with drinks and all that I went to in the city the other day, btw.

Second, the food is universal. It's got something for vegetarians, got something for vegans. Very very few people find tacos or burritos offensive. There's not many people with allergies to any of the ingredients. The cheese they use is not really cheese, so no upset tummies either. And finally, they have a variety of incredible sauces -- say helloo to the comparatively burning-hot Diablo sauce -- so if everything else disappoints you, this place is worth a visit just for their sauces.

Third, the food is incredibly, and let me stress that, incredibly, filling. You go to Burger King and for fifteen bucks you've barely eaten anything, with that supersizing and what not. You take fifteen bucks and a party of three grown men who have just ingested not insignificant amount of weed-related products, and you get three people who're quite full by the end of their trip. A little exaggeration there, but the food is really, truly quite filling. And why not, it's rice and beans and meat!

Fourth, it's cheap. For less than two bucks, you can get a third of your daily caloric requirements, as a snack. And it's healthy. And it can be treated as an 'entree' if you like it that way. The food is cheap, and filling, the best of all the worlds.

Fifth, it's healthy, it's pretty much well-accepted as one of the healthiest fast foods restaurants. It's only rice, beans, veggies, and possibly meats. There's nothing scary or suspicious in there to be afraid of. They're easy and simple to assemble.

Sixth, the brand has not been associated with ill health and other associated negative connotations like Mcdonalds and other chains have. Because they make it a point to have health considerations for their customers an important part of the mission.

Seventh, they are open to experimentation, trying new items, ruthlessly culling out items that don't work too well, and bringing them back on if there's enough interest. The potatoes-in-burritos is a new innovation, relatively speaking. The doritos taco locos was an innovation in its time, now it's become conventional, thanks to the bell.

Eighth, if you really want to go all out, you can go to one of them 'cantinas', and get very full and drunk with the drinks in there. Cheap booze and food, and a great atmosphere, what's to not like!

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