Doctor doctor, plan plan


And then she's like, yes we fight so much yaar, all the time, but we're going to get married soon we've kinda' slept together you know, not had fullon proper sex sex yet but something we've talked about is who will take care of the chores in the house because with my weird hours and schedules I'm mostly going to be trying to catch up on the sleep, residency is tough three years and he's said he'll look after the house matters. After it I'll be able to afford a nanny with my doctor salary and nobody will have to do any work. Depending on where i can find a job we're thinking of either doing short weeks or long weeks and taking two weeks off at a time and visiting other places for fun throughout the year. No no, not at all worried about children, because we'll definitely get somebody to look after the children, all these white people, they've got their french and dutch nannies, they're actually quite cheap if you look at the considerations, plus other doctor friends I know who've made it do the same thing. And the cost of traveling around them is nothing in the big picture. We'll make enough money all things considered, maybe retire in our mid fourties hopefully, and take care of the children after they're all grown up. Or if they don't want to spend time with us we're thinking of inviting their grandparents over, and going on long luxurious vacations, while bringing one set of parents with us as the other looks after the children. It's a winwin for everybody.

I just have to pass these exams yaaar, this is the last time I'll get the chance, if I screw it up this time also I'll either have to apply to Canada or the UK and the not so cool part about working in those countries as a doctor is that you make nowhere as much money, it's actually not that different from living like a normal person. Like yeah good amount of money certainly, but not that much so to live a chill luxurious life. And you can often be posted in remote rural parts. In america, since the cities are under-resourced still, it's quite possible you can go to one of the east coast or west coast cities and still find jobs easily in well paid institutions.

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