Family meet, Sichuan cuisine, rainy walk, skyscraper photos, life talk [Mon 3]

Had roti tarkari in the morning, the work must have been pretty usual because I have no records of it. In the afternoon SK came over to drop his doggo as he went to the store, so I carried the little pup up to A's place, and headed out to meet SB. We were meeting in Chinatown at the Sichuan Cuisine restaurant, which was highly recommended by A.

After many issues, including encountering very drunk homeless people, I made it to the restaurant, and waited for a bit for Sb because he had gone out for bubble tea-- I was late by 15 minutes. We ordered a bunch of food that we hoped we'd finish, but their serving sizes were massive and barely a dent was made in our dinner. Packed our food and headed back. It was drizzling outside -- classic Seattle weather, Sb told me-- and we walked in the rain for 25 minutes without getting wet. We ended up at his new apartment which he rented but hadn't moved into yet. Checked out his room in great detail, went up the roof, took a bunch of photos and sent them to Nepal, the sky-view restroom at his apartment is great, and the gym is another thing. It's got all the machines a man will ever need, I'm so impressed. I'm hoping I'll be able to use the place in the upcoming days. What an honor.

We talked about future plans, family, summer etcetera in his roof hang spot. Then I got a call from PK and spoke to them at length about my plans, and general situation. Things weren't as bad as one had feared, so that was good news. We separated, but we forgot the food we'd brought in with us in his apartment. I'm not sure if he ever went back to eat or just threw the meal out, what a loss in that case.

We were walking to his bus stop when he discovered that his bus was right across the street, he jumped the street and caught the bus and I walked back to A's place. 

A hadn't had dinner until very late, and he did strange things that I don't remember, so sleeping was late, but life was good otherwise.

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