Nargies and protecting our physical reality

Nargies, they want to invade all the planets, always, that's what they're designed for you understand, but we don't let them, you know why? Because they don't have an aim or goal behind their expansion. They're not cruel, they're not evil. They're not smart, nor stupid. They just are. And their only desire is to expand. They don't care how powerful their enemies are, or how pathetic they might be. Expansion. That's the only consideration they have. They have eaten up solar systems and planets, unknown gazillions of sentient life has been fed to their hunger for more matter and higher entropy. Nothing can stop them once they have a leverage and start reproducing in good numbers. They cannot be allowed to flourish.

Now you might wander, why do we tolerate those devil--- no, they cannot be described as devilish, for doing that would grant them some agency, a logic, desire and wants. They're unthinking cold killing monsters, completely separated from thought or logic or emotions. Only the completion of the goal, which is expansion, is what matters to them. Why we've never gotten rid of them is another story. You see, there are creatures in this universe that are, believe it or not, more powerful and scarier than them, if given an opportunity to flourish. You see, we've learned about vacuum energy, so you'll understand that within the transition of nothingness to somethingness, there can be couplings, and those couplings can get increasingly more complicated in the vast nothingness of the universe. With an eternity to work through, in the infinity that is our universe, the chance of some entity arising from nowhere and nothing is quite high. And because the laws of physics are as they are, often these entities are made of matter quite different to ours. Yes, anti-matter, as we've chosen to describe this particular form of exotic matter is one flavor, but there are several other that we've identified and categorized. And there could be many more we haven't discovered yet.

These beings and entities can destroy our physical reality by the mere act of being. Nargies are intolerable, but they're physical being, they need our shared physical reality and electrons and protons, quarks and all, to be able to survive. Not those extra-matter entities.

So we use Nargies as our vacuum cleaners. Over the course of the eons, they've developed the ability to harness the energy in those extra-material entities to keep themselves alive, which is why you're bound to find them in the least likely of places, the darkest corners of the universe. They don't need a sustainable energy source, heck they don't need an energy source. They sustain themselves on the energy of the entities created from vacuum energy, and thus keep our reality safe.

They're a necessary evil we must tolerate.

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