Moralizing on sexual behavior does nobody any good

I write this as a representative of 'judgmental people'.

Moralizing on sexual behavior does nobody any good. By 'moralizing' I mean...judging if somebody is good or bad, competent or not, or making any other judgments about one's personality based on one's sexual appetite or behavior. 

It does slutty people no good, to begin with. How much sex they'd rather have says very little about if they're nice or mean, if they're kind and loving or mean and awful. It doesn't say if they're good employees or not, honest people or liars, generous or ungrateful.

It does the nice/mean people no good either. If you're a nice loving caring kind competent likeable desirable person, why should society have expectations about what your sexual behavior is like. Why would there ever be expectation to act in a certain way with another adult inside closed doors that's nobody's business. It does mean/awful people no good either. The fact that they're terrible doesn't shouldn't have to mean they should have to be having sex a lot, why should they be held to unreasonable standards of performance and desire. Do they not have enough things to worry about?

It also does the judgmental people no good. For sexual behavior is a terrible proxy of what a person is like, generally speaking. It's like guessing somebody's personality based on their handwriting, or their chances of making it to heaven or hell based on their favourite brand of apple. As a judgmental person, I want my judgments to be accurate, my perception of reality to be based on accurate descriptions and generalizations, not some bullshit concept some fucking loser of a man came some time ago, which has no rooting in reality, is really a nonsensical generalization that misleads people into reading others terribly. This is so fucked up. I want more accurate methods, ways that give me greater precision and understanding of human behavior. And sexual behavior will not get me there.

So this is all bullshit.

Who's even winning, one would think maybe judgmental people are, but they're suffering too people, it's somebody else out there, who wants to sow chaos in the world by creating misunderstanding between different groups of people.

That's all I got.

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