Trip home, dunkin meal, final date, cleanup, SS hangs, breweries gift, flight to Seattle, another day another land, barhop [Sat 29]

I write this a week after the fact, a lot of details are bound to be fuzzy and uncertain. I'm using the photos I took of the day and any vague recollection I might have had to fill in the detail. At this point, I'm just writing for the sake of doing this, and totally fine with it. Just get on bruh.

Took bus, train bus (66, OL, 95) to home. Stopped by dunkin nearby and got myself an egg sandwich, with the potato hashbrowns put in it. It was pretty great. Potatoes always rock.

Spent the next two hours cleaning the room, doing last-hour chores. Met up with SS (Phd) for the last time. Since I was running late on the hang with SK, made him run a little bit in the rain. Ran in the rain with a large painting in my hand, almost missed the bus but didn't because I shouted and the driver let me in. Such is my life, always missing great things, or almost.

Waited forever for SK outside the crepe place because it was raining and oooof. I'm not allowed to write about what I think about people here, because there's a hundred percent chance they're going to read it one day, but some people are...something. And they are that thing. Thump. Thump. Thump. We spent two hours chillin' and eating. Even though my flight was to leave in the next two hours. It was the final amazing time. My heart ached when we left each other. I wrote the poem, the latest poem posted here on my walk back home, when it was still drizzling. mann. ohh. mannn.

Rushed back home because PD and BD were coming over to get my brewing supplies. Handed them over everything, threw out every last drop of every brew I'd been working on for the last year. It hurt a lot, but I was glad it was getting a good home.

ND came from MN and we hung out a bunch. I gave all the last-moment goodies there were. We hugged and took photos.

Cleaned up the room, and took a Lyft to the airport 2.5 hours before the flight. It was a hassle to get all my luggage to the checkin place, but once there things were perfect because I got to checkin 4 luggages, including my backpack.

Flight was pretty boring. Landed and waited for 30 minutes for luggage to get to me. The canvas bags I'd ordered were tattered despite doubling them up, and had clearly just barely made it. Thank gods they made it though. We took everything to A's place. I changed and put in a whole lot of body spray, and we went out and about town, to cha cha to hang and chill. I don't remember much beyond that, likely because nothing exciting happened. We went to SK's place after, hung out for a bunch more, played with his doggo, and then called it a night. Must have been pretty late.

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