Bulk cooking, bulk reading [Thu 18]

Overbaked iskuss, karela, and mushroom cooking in the airfryer, at work in the afternoon, shopping scented melts at target, tebnzing momo closed, yogurt and spices dinner, starting and finishing a book on shiva mythology late night

After work I figured out that I needed to eat healthier, and cook all the veggies I'd bought before they went bad. So I roasted a bitter gourd, it came out perfect. I oven-fried a bunch of mushroom, they lost a LOT of weight and I snaked them to finish right away. Then I tried cooking iskuss, they take forever to cook much like potatoes, and I couldn't get it right, so the temperature was increased and the time too. They're...burned on the outside, so goshdarned sweet in the inside. To conclude, I don't know how to cook chayote isskuss and will ask my mother about that.

Walked to work, had two cups of tea and relaxed. Went down to Target and bought salt and like a bunch of sweet melting wax. Also went to Tenzing momo which is this hippie store in Pike place market, but it was closed.

Dinner was yogurt, peanut butter, and a bunch of sweet and interesting spices including cinnamon. Advice: do NOT put nutritional yeast into yogurt, it doesn't taste good.

Started reading Shiva's Game of Dice in the evening, thought I'd read a couple of pages before sleeping, kept reading and reading and the next thing I know it's 2am and I'm so close to being finished with it! Crazy! I know!

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