Second meetup in two days escaped, shin ramyun can be disappointing [Thu 25]

Rice and mula-veggies for lunch, afternoon writing and nap, to Stoup Brewing where not much fun was had, pretending to be busy, back home in a jiffy, a lowkey dinner, somewhat sad of ramen and veggies

Had the annual performance review at work where I exceeded performance once again in a multi-year stretch, but lost a point here and there, which make me a bit annoyed. Didn't feel like doing much for the rest of the day. Well that and the conversation from the previous night, where conversation was had with home about what the future may hold. Lunch was rice and mula and titey karela, after which I wrote for a bit and napped. Despite not feeling like it, I had challenged myself to go to Meetup events, and that's where I went for an MLOps get-together in the evening, far too late, after talking to PN. It was alright, talked to a few people, got a general vibe of the room which was: everyone's looking for work, everyone fears what the future may hold. They shared contacts amongst themselves on Linkedin Qr code, it couldn't be done for me as I have no Linkedin, I told. Then a quick-networker came in, banging on amount how much his startup was making. That's how I knew it was time to escape. Pretending I had to pick up a quick call, I returned.

Dinner was alright, with mushroom and shin ramyun. Not the greatest of flavor as I used my own spice mix, and perhaps it was the mushrooms or something else, or the spiciness, but the state of my tummy was slightly upset.

Was up reading late at night.

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