Work stuff

Complaints complaints complaints, that's what we're doing here. We;re complaining. It was the annual performance review and well I did alright, pretty good with everything else that was happening but the numbers weren't as great as last year, so I got mad and spent a long time pushing back and complaining. Though not too much because I do want to retain this job because the other option is to get kicked out of the country despite everything else.

What this has inspired me, driven me harder than anything possibly at the employer, is to push hard to create my personal brand. To keep writing and producing content all on my name, and dance to my own tune, sure the genre can be theirs but nuh uh no more doing whatever work they ask me to do and not much because what I'll do is pick easy task, hit 'em out of the park and get busy with my own personal-brand building. Writing interesting posts articles, reviews etcetera in company time and posted in company resources, some of them, so they can see that I'm not spending my time just staring at the walls, but doing something productive.

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