Working on the next big personal project

The next project, after project 120 is remaking my personal website. The idea is to turn it from basically nothing that I have online into an extensive reflection of my interests, hobbies and professional career work I have undertaken. It shall be called...Project Great Phoenix. Phoenix because it's going to be a rebirth of my website, and 'great' because I did something similar with this website in 2010 when I wrote a great amount of text over several months. That was regular phoenix, I was younger and the blog was immature. I'm older and the consequences of this working out will be great and all-encompassing. Project Great Phoenix has already begun!

Earlier this evening I spent two hours strategizing how to proceed. The guideline I began with was the post I published couple of days ago here on what the new website might need. Kept adding to it, and adding details and things just escalated. Now the plan outline itself has 2000 words, focusing mostly on the content than the presentation medium.

The idea is to write 30k+ words in blog posts, another 20k+ ish words in 'ideas' series, have my innovation proposals in there, make a list of all of my failed ideas with a postmortem on why each one of them failed, and an extensive resume that covers basically everything I've ever done. That in addition to personal introduction that might go on for a few thousand words, and some hobby logs to update the readers on the status of my hobby projects.

When I started out, I figured out the website would be the hard part, but it's clear at this point that the challenging sweaty part will be the content. I write 2k words on a good day on this blog, and the quality say the least. I will need to repeat that, but have the material be relevant to my interests, thought-provoking and actually useful. Dunno how I'll do that. And the website work is the fun part! If I'm just writing the blog posts, the website will remain the same and it'll feel like I'm not doing much? Maybe I should write the articles in my site from the company, and copy them over.

Finally there's the website for the startup that I need to begin and finish. That too will require some serious amount of copy writing in addition to architecture and figuring out the business idea. It's a whole lot of work I've put on my plate, and who knows how long it'll take to accomplish. This work should have a hard deadline. I will get around to figure that out once I'm started. Maybe it's easier than I'm expecting it to be?

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