I will start following the new routine soon, the SAVEUR technique, I remember

Visualize the day, with only success following you, affirm your strength and your values, meditate, read write exercise. These are the steps to start a good mythical morning, to be positive and productive, happy and content yet effective through one's workday and personal time. These processes help  one take free time every hour, where one goes on walks and talks to random strangers, interacts with birds and plays with the butterflies. That's what I planned to do three weeks ago, every day all the time.

That hasn't happened yet. The primary reason the freaking cold season that makes any thought action or consideration early in the morning impossible, and a bit of the blame can be shifted to the knee pain which has reduced my mobility by a bit and completely compromised the exercise regimen.

But to have fear for such issues is ill-advised. It'll be begun, and it'll be well-practiced. All it takes is the right weather, I promise.

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