Seattle the hermit city of winter

The cold has gotten better,
But the winds and the rains are bitter,
The clouds hang low, and the drops large
And nought a young person or an adult
Has the drive, or the motive
to meet up friends and acquaintances.
The rains are constant, don't stop for a beat,
And the darkness oh, it's forever on its feet
not a lot to do out and about,
neither hiking nor kayaking is an option
picnics in the park or long walks together
are completely out of question.
So all there are, they lay low
Happy in the company of their own selves
not a single person met for weeks
no social activity or events for nobody,
but the boardgame geeks.

Oh Seattle, the great city, my love
Whom I have called heaven on earth,
My judgment stands true to this day,
for not a city with better weather there can be,
you have made a hermit out of me.
And the thousands and millions of
younger adults in this town,
who would rather stay home
in the sleeping gown,
drinking tea and coffee, reading mythology,
instead of running about
being drenched in the slow but persistent

We are all hermits, oh Seattle city
hermits and ascetics, we worship thee,
change your tune for our sake
make it possible to socialize and have fun
around the town and about the lakes.

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