Mula and karela, art class [Mon 22]

Cooking mulaako tarkari and karela for lunch, rice with shin ramyun spice, art class, walk to the park with audiobook on, borrowing dozens of audio books, oats achar and seaweed for dinner, evening writing

For lunch I cooked mulaako tarkari and karela, had it with rice which I made by adding shin ramyun's spice mix. It was actually quite good! Eating rice for at least one meal a day is such a relief because it's easy to think of the structure of the meal, and don't need to worry about where the next meal is coming from. Rushed to art class soon after cooking and smelled like spices so bad. In the class we made hands and gloves, we learned perspective and I discovered I'm so very bad at reading shadows and perspective. Maybe it's not that I'm a poor artist, it's possible my perception of the world is skewed, and thus any portrayal of it is inaccurate.

Walked to Volunteer park after relaxing in the apartment for a while, just one round because of the walk earlier in the evening. Finished listening to How to Feed a Dictator, and borrowed like a dozen more books after getting home.

Dinner was oats, achar and seaweed in a strange sushi of sorts. Wrote 6 posts in the evening, I've realized that six posts are quite doable as long as there's not much expectation of quality and the time pressure is intense. Specially after coming in from writing dozens and dozens of posts every day, this is such a relief. Just need to maintain the habit of writing without getting distracted!

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