Too much hermitage, one must socialize more

Seattle might as well be called the hermit city, people don't go out as much as elsewhere, convincing people to do activities and have fun can be hard, and besides rock-climbing and hiking, there's not a lot of things to do in the winter, and even those are not a guarantee depending on the weather. This has influenced me as well, someone who used to consider themselves an outgoing extroverted person. As in there are weeks where no human contact in person is made, it's just me myself and I. Friends call me and the other way round and we talk, family too, video chat happens often, but that's as far as it goes. Weekends are good, catching up with friends happens, but a good weekend is when I meet one group of friends in a weekend. I meet three and it's game over, that's so much activities.

That's not right, being a hermit at this day and age, as I live in the center of the fucking town is no good. I need to go out more often, need to make more friends and acquaintances, just be out and about and be known. Living life of such involution is not just awful for my body, mind and long term career and emotional growth, it's also unfair to the people one could bring joy with by one's company.

So the hermitage situation is going to be reduced, and socialization will go up. Slowly but surely.

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