The future of me

Where lies the future of me?
Am I a politician, small and unknown, and working hard Or a writer of fiction, of mediocre disposition, barely read Perhaps a researcher studying food and culture, making commitation Maybe in the business of getting people hired, solving mark probum An organiser, is it even possible, hosting people everywhere? Or a consultant, telling people how with open arms to welcome future. And where will I even be at,
The North West where life is slow and easy, weather the best, Or perhaps the Oceanea nations, on the islands with families? Canada maybe as somewhat of a backup option How about in Nepal, making the best of a bad situation? Will I be in the east coast as I originally envisioned, the indifferent lands where the jobs do easily come? Am I afraid about the future of me,
Or am I excited
Worried about the complexities and the uncertainties Or eager for the limiters and open opportunities,. What's to worry, what's to fear,
It's perhaps the best to not be too eager
Take one's time, live in the moment,
And deal with everything as it comes on the way
hold of my emotions on either side I must do Letting oneself for disappointment shall lead to sue!

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