Google bard is actually shockingly good?

Alright, so this was wild, it was magic.

I used Google bard to generate a bunch of 'steal this idea' posts, then turned those proposals into articles for newspapers, then the articles into pieces written in somebody specific's voice. Such as dave barry, david mitchell and lee mack. And what would you know, it felt like I was reading something written by those geniuses!

So, couple of wins, and considerations here. First, the bar is going to be raised, the expectations for proposals is going to be so high going forward, nobody will want to waste their time on filler content. Second, even if you're using the gpt to generate an essay you still need to know what the hell you're talking about. As in, if you don't want to go with the most generic, boring, and easily knowable as generated content, you will need to put some effort into the essays, and that effort involves understanding what the hell is being talked by the model. Some of what it says is true, some are semi-truths, and some pieces of information it considers to be truth are absolutely bullcrap, hallucinated pieces of information. So no, you cannot use something like this from scratch, you need to massage it, take to a certain direction. Most importantly, one must have their editorial wits about them, to understand what is the actual need of the readership/target group for conversation, and what the movement time of the team is.Which is to say, this essay will allow writers to target their essays to specific audience tastes, but they must know their audience beforehand.

So yeah, generalist editors seem to have become the victors of this genAI battle, though I'm curious how things evolve over the next year or five. There have been early calls of the demise of the human driver, I highly doubt that: what humans actually value is not droll trash but real actionable pieces of information and emotional connection to go with it. AI can generate that, but without context and understanding, it does less than nothing.

Watch out more for this space, interesting things are happening and I'll keep myself and the blog updated!

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