Wonder pancakes and apartment cleanup [Thu 8]

early morning political meeting, no writing, sleep on time, really really good mood for some reason? walk to the office

I'm writing this on the evening of the following day. Have written quite a bit.

In the morning at fifteen past five, attended the political meeting from Nepal. Work was super duper productive.

For lunch I made kodo-fapar pancakes with eggs in them, they are so fantastic, specially with a little bit of oil on the pan and the eggs in the mix. Had it with titey karela and bhyanta leftovers from earlier in the week. Yum yum yum. I need to eat more of these new grains that don't give an insulin rush.

Quick shave after, went to walk to my work, stayed there for a couple of minutes, listening to Hindus all through the way and freaking finally finishing it. Walked back, relaxed, cleaned the whole apartment, including the fermentation situation. Things are on the up and up! Also did laundry. My apartment is like an hour from being really clean and comfy, hurray!

I was in too good of a mood the entire freaking day, compared to the day before, perhaps due to talk with A, or possibly other reasons? It was confusing, to say the least!

Had quinoa with dal-mula veggies and kimchi, so good. Perhaps I had it too soon in the evening but had to have a latenight snack.

Went to bed and slept at a very reasonable hour.

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