A long walk

Facemasks and individual headphones on, PL and I went on a walk this afternoon. It was a real real walk for a change, we walked for maybe more than two hours in the setting sun, walked by parks, people's houses, awesome new modern buildings here in northern virginia, saw kids play and have fun saw families turn their lawns into kitchen gardens folks running biking some in face masks but most uncaring and carefree and yet you could see the fear, the realization seems to be slowly seeping in, gradually and not easily but it's there, that things are not going to be the same that we are in it for the long haul and no matter what anyone says doing an all-out party the day everything's declared open is not going to be a good idea. I took photos of so many flowers and playgrounds and of PL taking photos of flowers and nice houses.

We didn't walk fast but by the end of it my legs were hurting -- it has been quite a while since I did any real walking. At least people were maintaining reasonable distance between each other, and keeping the pretense of maintaining distance. The world was bright and happy today, the first real warming potent sun of the summer, a sign of hope that the sickly sad wet spring may be over soon and with it bring an end to the calamity it brought with itself. We can hope.

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