Is it just me or...?

Has the weather been kinda' crazy lately? It's not just here either, Boston's been unseasonably gloomy and humid, Kathmandu's so cold and cloudy one could be forgiven for mistaking it for the winter, or my love life for that matter lets not go there. It's supposed to be uncomfortably warm and annoying and long days and mosquitoes even some anyway because of global warming they've migrated to higher altitudes etcetera but no. Sad. Rainy. Gloomy. The weather on the app will say it's going to be kind-of sunny and bright and warm and you get high hopes for the weeks and your household, at which you are merely a guest but it's almost as if you've settled in because of the extenuating circumstances we are all aware of, decides against buying firewood because the app says you won't be needing to keep yourself warm then the weather middle fingers you and it's drizzling for days and days you don't even see the sun you can't go out on a walk or a run and you have excuse so that's the worst kind of not going out and and it's just so depressing, you know? What's going to happen to the chilli peppers, you start wondering, they don't like this weather, they need warm temperatures to grow from seedlings and thrive uh oh this is not going to be good at all, there's nothing you can do though it's not like you can bring them in and pamper them because they need the sunlight as well and you might think bright indoors are as good as gloomy outdoors but they're not. Not at all.

And the sad part is, this used to be my favourite weather, the off-season cold, with chilling winds a little bit of drizzle, thought it was romantic weather. Ugh. Eff this sht.

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