The Prime Minister just told a joke

I remembered going through Japan in 1981, soon after I left the White House [...] I got up to make a speech, and I thought I would put the Japanese at ease-the students and professors and their parents-by telling a joke. So I told my joke, and then the interpreter gave it and the audience collapsed in laughter. It was the best response I have ever had to a joke in my life. I couldn’t wait for the speech to be over to get to the green room and ask the interpreter, ‘How did you tell my joke?’ He was very evasive. But I persisted, and finally he ducked his head and said, “I told the audience, ‘President Carter told a funny story. Everyone must laugh'"
- Jimmy Carter

It is essential you laugh, the Prime Minister has told a joke. The prime minister has told a funny joke, laugh now. Stop sweating and laugh.

The Prime Minister has explained an old saying, it is time to laugh. Any kind of uncomfortable laughter will not do, it needs to be a genuine hearty laugh.

The Prime Minister had shared a funny personal anecdote. Ignore everything happening and laugh.

It is time to clap now. Do not put your hands in front of your upper chest and face area. Start laughing.

Ignore the fingers itching towards the triggers mere hair's length away and the restless boots. Laugh.

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