Egg sandwich innovation, things are moving at work, friendcalls, afternoon nap, lovesick complete, midnight annoyance [Mon 5]

 Got up way wayyy too ate, stayed in bed for like half a day because there was no real work to be done. Finally cleaned up and got things in order. Had my vitamin d after a long time, enough to cover for a week.

For lunch I made the classic dinner roll egg sandwich except I held back on the ketchup. Instead went all-in with mayo, cream cheese and texaspete hote sauce. Plus generous helping of cheese and aloo ko bhujia. And you know what it tasted like, quite good. I may have hit upon an innovation, more food research effort needs to be put into this, I should definitely start tagging my food innovation posts separately so I can look 'em up later but gosh it felt so filling and lovely. Aaah.

After work I felt a bit cold so I turned on the heater and talked to friend N on the phone about how his weekend had gone. It was exciting to hear, that people have lives and interesting things are happening, stuff that readers would eagerly read about if such material were put as fiction in a novel about Nepali youngsters in Kathmandu.

Checked the youtube and felt a bit tired, for no reason.

The next thing I know, it's 10.30 at night and everybody's gone to sleep. I don't know what to do. I brush and eat an apple and a banana, the other way round in the order, and get to watching lovesick.

I go through 8 episodes in a matter of a few short hours. Skipped the boring scenes, the sentimental scenes, the romantic scenes, the lovey-dovey scenes and watched only the sexy or funny scenes. I know that's besides the point of the show but I need need need that stuff. I can't tear up at this stuff anymore haaah.

It was half past twelve by the time I went to bed, I couldn't make myself write anything, and doing anything else seemed distracting. Due to the lack of sleep probably I felt really crappy about myself, reached out to a couple of folks to see if anybody was up to talk. Nobody. At half past two just listened to the office and put myself to sad sad sleep.

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