Got up at 11 because I'd gone to bed late. Wrote a bit. Finally cleaned the room and packed away travel equipment...So I could get 'em out again in a week hahah.
Had a couple of large glasses of water, a few handfuls of nuts, and two slices of cake that foth I brought in as a gift. I felt really bloated and had gained a few pounds over the course of the weeks so I decided I could take it easy with the calories.
In the evening went out to wegmans for a grocery trip. Thought it was going to be a quick one and cheap but ended up spending sixty bucks anyway I hope to dear gods I end up using all of them supplies. Listened to coupla' cool pods on the way there and back. Lots of stuff to carry back, I was sweating hard.
Talked a bunch to I about his plans to move and apartment hunting. Watched the guys play mario kart. Later in my room wrote a large number of posts until my eyes wouldn't stay open until I dozed off.
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