Oats for breakfast, hackathon at work, unproductive day, friend at home, rice-noodle dinner, lovesick watch [Thu 1]

 Got up pretty early, I'm beginning to think at least some part of my sleep issues may have to do with my bed because I've slept more soundly on people's couches than on my bed. That definitely needs some exploring to do.

The day was hackathon at work, so I pretty much did nothing, watched tv, and avoided doing anything that took up even a small portion of brainpower. Also talked to IA for several hours helping her figure out various tricky situations she's in.

For breakfast I had oats with peanut butter, pecans, brown sugar, raisins, cocoa powder and cinammon. Classic lazy breakfast that's served me well through the years. A tad too boring, gotta learn to make something else as quick but more interesting.

Since I did nothing at work, after-work was very lazy as well. I'm going back to the theory I proposed in these very pages almost two years ago: the busy I am, the more productive I get. And the less productive I'm at work, the less productive I'm at home as well. It's not like there's a 'reserve' of productivity that gets lost when I do a lot of good work, which will tire me out later. Rather, it's like the concept of 'activation energy': if I'm pumped up enough to work well at my job, I'll also be doing great things in my personal life. In any case, yeah I'm like not super productive with my daily writings daily, and the solution is to make myself less busier give myself even tighter timeline to be able to write, not open up my schedule so I can waste away hours.

After work fofh ND came over and so did SRP. ND made rice noodles, and we had those with our own mixes: I put in raw garlic, gochujang, lime, mustard oil, chilli oil, fried onions, furikake, tahini, and other spicy sauces. It was pretty great, even though we gave ND a big shit for making something that looked very much like rice, except disappointing.

We talked a bunch and watched this British tv show, a sex comedy called Lovesick on Netflix. It's a pretty good tv show -- a review is in the works -- so we were able to watch through all the eight or nine episodes of the first season, and into the second season in the night. We were too tired after several hours of watching it, so we talked about life and relationships and people afterwards. We slept really late at like 1.30 in the morning because of the conversations.

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