The party [Sat 3]

In the morning I recovered from the hangover from the quarter-cup of wine I'd drunk with SS the night before. Listened to a tonne of podcasts, cleaned room a bit, caught up on the sleep.

Watched like five episodes of Lovesick before roommate PK made me stop. Cleaned up and shaved. My facial hair's coming out quite well, that's one thing to look forward to haha and take care of.

Distinctly remember I snacked a bit, but don't have records of it even though I write this only a day later. I must have eaten a lot the night before because I was not hungry at all even at 2 in the afternoon.

PK and I went to the liquor store where he got a bottle of wine, we walked over to ND's place, and left at 2.45. I predicted we'd get to SBk's place at 4.15 and that's what we did on the lost (if we are to ignore the 5 minutes we lost around his apartment complex trying to find the unit). Took the redline to JFK/waited for ten minutes and took the other red line to the stop. Walked for 20 minutes. ND thought it felt more like a hike than going to a friend's place to see them.

At their place SS was already their along with SS and JM. SS [the first one] had been cutting onions and garlic for two hours. We got about helping with the momo-making. I filled myself up on Doritos. SO many catchup conversations were had. Got to know people better, realized that this was a terrible time, that we'd never see that group of people in one room ever again. But also it was great pleasure to find everybody safe sound and mostly their old selves. SC was there, hadn't seen her in two years, AS is back. SD and PD were there as well, and so were Sbk's housemates. The Brookline gang was sixty-six percent there, and I made plans for the immediate future with them as well.

The momos were made in incredibly large numbers, and consumed in a much restrained manner. Nobody was in charge of the recipe it seemed so there were too many cooks and confusion ensued with the momos. The other items, all meat were done pretty well I'm told.

I was so incredibly happy and thankful to find everybody in the same place. PD gave me some incredibly great advice the likes of which I'd never be able to get from anybody else I know. Gotta tap her more for her wisdom. In the evening we smoked a bit, I got highly paranoid and wanted to leave. But we waited forever. And then SS left. If this was the ending to a tv series or a book, it'd be, "And then just like that she left. The party, and our lives."

Anyway, we left at 12.30, us three and the SS household [the other SS who hadn't yet left]. Back in hour place we (with Pk and ND) spent yet another hour-and-half talking about the great change and disruption the night signaled and our future plans. Slept around 2, far too tired and hoping to live in the moment.

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