Boston weather is Seattle weather

 I come back from Seattle expecting sunny warm humid weather, a little afraid it'll be oppressively hot and humid. There's a little titillation involved I'll admit, how great it would be to feel the sizzle, the stickyness, and have to consider getting an AC. An experience I'll have to only imagine for the next several months.

And then I come to Boston and the first three days or so are like, Seattle weather. Exactly Seattle. Gloomy all day long, rains here and there. The Sun may show its face but not for too long, it decides to hide behind the clouds, it thunders a bit, a light downpour, and back to being cold and gloomy. The winds are strong, the clouds won't go.

Boston weather is Seattle weather.

Is it possible I somehow took Boston's good summer weather to late Spring Seattle, and brought back Seattle's crappy weather to Beantown? Stranger more ridiculous things have happened, surely?

As the count of the days I've been back from the West increases, the days have gotten marginally better. I write this on the thirteenth day of the month, and I can't be complaining too much as today was fantastic, warm and sunny with light cool breeze blowing. Wouldn't get better weather if you offered to pay for it.

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