You can definitely go lower

 It's a sad little occasion when your 'random text generator' inside your head fails and you cannot come up with your standard bullshit involving aliens, snake gods that can turn into motorbikes and some little girl who searches the entire goddamn universe for her lost dog, plus a grieving parent who losses themselves in search for a message, an image, an indication of some sort, of their recently-deceased child in the complex patterns of fractal images.


There was a time when somebody would have to only so much as utter a nonsense statement and sentence, and this ole' brain would go on the overdrive, coming up with all weird wild bizarre scenarios most of which wouldn't be specially interesting, but something worth thinking about, or at least giving a light ponder over. Sometimes they would verge off into total farce and things would get interesting, a giggle or a snuffle of a smile there, those would warm the writer's heart.

We're at this now, who would have guessed.

There's no way, people think, that things could get worse, that I could go lower. And then they go on to surprise themselves. Keep on doing that, until they're in the deepest darkest apartments of hell, where you have to pay the HOA fee by yourself, for the trash too, no pets allowed, not even your friends with pet can come, and oh you'll have to tell the management a week in advance if you want to have guests over, and by the way, the guests can't stay for more than four contiguous nights unless you want to register them as a temporary resident in which case it's twenty-five bucks per person per night in addition to your rent. And those are just the good qualities about that hellish apartment complex. You don't want to live there, trust me, but you find yourself in such a geography, heartbroken and disappointed at yourself.

The disease by the way, it's getting over they're saying and in Mass it's almost full under control wish that mattered to me somehow but not for the next year I am excited about that, has taken all the creative quirky edges of the society away and turned the whole lot into excitable anxious afraid mess. Unsure of themselves, uncertain about the future, unwilling to take any sort of risk in life. Always on the same trodden part, not even a look at those wonderful berry trees off the trail yum, could they be the berries for eternal life? Who knows, but you'll definitely not find out.

Writing this is no fun.

I wish there were better more curious, exciting wild things to discuss, but we're lacking in those, all the cool stuff gone. There's still change. We shall overcome, fight fight fight and take the nobel battle arrive.

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