Chhyang victories in VA, AKA I'm buzzed

I made Chhyang at ED's place and PN's this trip, and they were both big successes in their own way, and things worked out real smooth. When I wrote this title, in fact, and the couple after this one, I was real buzzed on the half-glass I tasted with ED.

The flavors and textures at both the places were really good and all the parties were happy and excited. Easy win right there.

But there was a second victory with new brewing discoveries that really made the experience worth it. At PN's, it was a second batch N had put out for dessert that we didn't add water or yeast to.. Well it started growing fluffy white mold and N was concerned, but I got excited, that was the marcha culture! I had figured it had the enzyme( the starter) but not active mold culture, but no, active mold there! Meaning I can culture that later and grow my own starter. And pace out the watering to time the flavors right.

At ED's I put the marcha and she watered it, but no yeasts were used. Which meant the fermentation was super duper slow, and like really really sweet even three weeks in! I can use that to brew extra slow, or sweet or mild batches and/or use such a batch to flavor/sweeten my regular batch. That's something new!
Hella interesting and productive!

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