The new year is upon us, am I ready?

The new year of 2024 is upon us, 2023 is behind us. What do I feel, am I ready? Was the last year enough, is there something one is hoping out of the incoming year?

2023 was pretty decent, I stayed in Nepal for a long time, made two trips, did an internship there, attended many weddings, got in and out of a serious relationship, wrote a lot, started seeing a therapist again, ate a lot, and walked consistently, at least while I was in Seattle, which I was only for 5 months of the year. Oh and I took a formal course and dropped one. Learned to appreciate the city of Seattle. And read/listened to so many books towards the end of the year.

This year I want to stay in Seattle more consistently. More than eight or nine months in the least. I want to make more weekend trips and fewer months long sojourns. Possibly visit several more friends and families than I have, but for real short terms. Hopefully date more, dance more, read more, and organize more. Root myself more firmly to the town of Seattle. Read and write more, and maybe this is going to be the year I complete my novels!

Not to saddle myself with too many expectations, I won't make any formal resolutions. I just want to be, me, and at peace! Happy new year 2024, it's going to go well!

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