Morning writing, two types of potatoes for snack, soup for lunch, Volunteer park walk, tea with P at Cafe Vita, yummy china breakfast tea, shopping trips, high on tea, dinner and serious tummy troubles, body is cleaned-out, sleeping issues [Sun 7]

Wrote a bunch in the morning, but not enough, in the notepad because I still couldn't post anything on this blog, having posted about 200 articles in the preceding two days in the evening. I was going to make a 'mix veggie soup', dumping most of the frozen veggies from my fridge into the pressure cooker, and did that. Too impatient (and hungry) to wait for that, I also made two massive batches of those puffed hashbrowns from trader joe's. It's so unhealthy and bad for me as an adult, but I couldn't hold it! The first batch I ate with chinese chilli oil crisps and cholula sauce. Yum yum. The second round I had with ketchup, soy sauce, toasted sesame oil, and honey. Even more yum yum, didn't even need the potatoes haah.

Had the soup which was massively overcooked (more on that in a separate post), and headed out on a walk, three rounds of the Volunteer park. Listened to podcast during it.

Came back home, had some hot water and rested, and went to Cafe Vita. Because the line was so long, I sat with him and talked, and ordered china breakfast tea there. So. Freaking. Good, yum. I should go there more often, just for the tea, if not for the people because while I don't know if I really want to get into the tea culture (more on that later, and on a separate post), the clientele of that place seemed pretty cool. I was hyped up on the tea!

Rested at home, got my backpack, went to Blick supplies for the sketching book and pencils. Had never bought a pencil before, so accidentally bought graphite ones, found out during the class next day. Went back to Cafe Vita to try to buy a bag of the tea, but no bueno.

In the evening heated up the soup, and made some tea. The soup, I know for sure, was not spoiled. Maybe the teapot I poured the tea into was. It's possible the tea I used (yunnan tea needles, it had been lying around in my place for a while) was spoiled, or my body really really does not like tea. Or perhaps the almond milk that was added had spoiled. Either way, about an hour after I had tea, I got the shits. Like real bad, I used the loo six times, couldn't go to sleep, went to sleep proper around 1am, and got up at 5 ish, and it was miserable. My digestive system had been flushed clean by the thing. It's unclear what triggered it...the soup I have had since and it's been fine. The almond milk wasn't spoiled (though I'll throw it out). That tea was super pricey, I don't want to throw it out without giving it a chance. Maybe my body really rally dislikes tea and caffeine?

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