Mox Boarding House Ballard: A review

I went to Mox Boarding House in Ballard last night with SA, NA, and their friend M. Review follows.

Mox is a board-gaming restaurant. What that means is, for the customers of the restaurants, they have a place where you can borrow board games for free, and play at your table. You can keep playing your game even after you're done with the meal, and they close down at midnight, so that's a long time to play your board games. Additionally, they've also got a 'boardgame' area on the side where you can borrow (rent?) their board games and play without being in the restaurant area, and a boardgame store that is attached.

To begin with, I love love love the concept. If you're going with a couple of friends, you can easily spend several hours there just playing. Get a quick dinner, or make it as slow as you wish, and play until the wee hours of the night. That's relatively affordable entertainment outside of one's place, it's fun and engaging and social, and you don't need to splurge lots of money. If one is to spend on dinner anyway, this is the best way to do it.

The food was decent, none of us had any complaints but nobody mentioned how good it was either. The menu is short, and presents a vast diversity of cuisines...if they're doing all of the menu items decently well, that's not a complaint. The space is ample, well-suited for boarding, and relaxing, there's no annoying people telling you to not make noises. This would be a place where in my stories all the well-adjusted weirdos would hang out.

I got grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup, the sandwich itself was alright, the tomato soup was homely and excellent. I should really learn to make it the way they did it, because it was so hearty and 'full'.

The staff was friendly, alert, and even if they missed an order of drink I'd asked for, quite good at what they do! 

I freaking love the concept and the implementation of this boardgaming place, and wish I had the friends and community to go there more often. The money spent in food and drinks there feels like chump change compared to the fun that is to be had!

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