When the angriest of sages comes to your humble abode

Grocery list for Durvasa rishi and his retinue

50 lb yogurt (does Trader Joe's stock all of it?)
100lb rice (get the cheapest possible rice, they won't notice, we'll give the rishi the rice we already have)
15 gallon milk (see if you can find some in the clearance section, can be nut milk too!)
10lb salt (do they take returns for staples? ask them!)
25lb sugar (probably won't need it all, but he's a known sweet-tooth, better not take chances)
honey (get a reasonable amount, the followers can have just sugar)
bananas, 200 (easy to fill them up on these as snacks)
carrots (like 10lbs, so they gorge on this before the meal)
15lb tubers (get the cheapest ones)
spices (handful of every spice available, the cheaper the better, not like they're gourmands)
10lb back grams (don't worry if this is not available, but better if we have)
black peppers (reasonable amount of berries)

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