Organized medicine and kitchen cabinets, kodo pancake, kimchi and egg for breakfast, Volunteer-Interlaken walk after so long, back to audiobooks, Din Tai Fung with GF and M, yummy food, evening posting, too tired to write [Sat 6]

In the morning I cleaned my kitchen, and organized the cabinet under the sink. It was the scary wastelands and I hadn't maintained an inventory of what was in their and the state of the items in their since pretty much moving into the apartment. A cleanup was super productive as most of the items there were used bottles of detergent that sound long have been thrown out but had stayed around somehow. Now it's clean and neat and well-organized and pretty empty. It feels good to open that cabinet!

Then I organized the medicine cabinet in my restroom, which too had been left unorganized for awhile, as boys had the habit of dumping all their unwanted medicine stuff in there. I neatly stored by bulk vitamin supplies in their and categorized the bathroom and grooming supplies. Felt so good!

For brunch I ate kodo pancakes (made the batter to thin ugh), thinly-diced kimchi and an egg.

Went to volunteer-interlaken parks loop with 'history of the world in 6 drinks' book playing on the app. Finished the book, good stuff. Feels so good to be listening to audiobooks and have time in my own control.

In the evening I went to Din Tai Fung with GF and his partner. We were there for about 2.5 hours, excellent food, great servers, friendly people, had great times. Invited the couple for a future trip to my place, and took the train back to CapHill because didn't feel like walking uphill after the meal.

Late in the night posted the remaining 80'ish posts in here, and wrote a little bit I think, but not much as I was too tired to write and didn't have much energy.

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