A complaint: Corona edition

Read this somewhere: Americans have gotten bored of the coronavirus situation, and have decided  that it's not a thing anymore, despite the situation being a lot worse than it was even a worse ago, and deaths reaching the equivalent of a 9/11 every day.

The virus is not gone. All the safety practices that needed to be put into place a month ago still need to be there because the situation's not any better, it's worse if anything. Any ill-conceived attempts to open open public spaces with a large concentration of people is certain to bite in the...lungs...in the not-to-far future.

I wrote about the Corona situation in these very pages in early March where statewide lockdowns were not a thing. I hoped Americans would take this seriously and practice proper care. The infections were mostly in the Northwest then and the count was below 1000. US infections are at slightly less than 1.2 million.

What I fear the most, and at this point seems a near certainty, though I really really wish I'm way way wrong about this like an idiot and couldn't be more wrong, is that the second wave is already sneaking in around the suburbs, and in the end, the second and third waves will have hit harder economically and socially if not in terms of mortality also.

Again, the deaths are not going down. It's just that Americans have decided that this is boring and the weather outside is far too awesome to be staying in. The openings won't bring in the business, people will still be afraid but they'll venture out, hoping that things work out. But when the second wave hits, and it'll hit hard those community lesser affected right now-- the suburbs will see the cases spike massively, folks will be truly scared. Going out in public will not be safe anymore, they'll have been burned twice. And that will be as bad for the economy as it could ever get.

This could turn ugly, please take care of yourselves folks.


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