Chop, chop [Monday 4]

It's 10.55 in the evening as I start writing and everyone is doing their work or school thing except me I'm lazy and lack the work ethics etcetera so. Gonna write this one, maybe one or two more, will write them if I have the energy.

I have a couple of ideas, putting them down right now so I don't forget later -- a cheap(er) electric brooder for Nepali farmers, a DIY egg incubator again targeted at Nepali farmers, a really cool chat app/ chat app feature, and an insect-based decomposition ecosystem that doesn't yet work but could lead to something. Oh and the Nepali agri-based app/site I've been thinking for the last month a lot but have had in the back of my mind for a few years now. Hmmm.

So we were done with dinner like an hour ago. For dinner we had....drumrolll.... potato chop... so like potato balls etcetera garlic onions whatever spicy, battered with chickpea flour and deepfried. I missed the chop from Malekhu so volunteered to make it -- it was supposed to be yesterday but we were kinda' full so it was today... A little undersalted, the sizes were inconsistent, but people enjoyed it considering our dinner was just...potatoes, dipped in the momo ko achaar from the day before yesterday. Yum yum.

N turned it into a sandwich patty, put a large one between two slices of pan toasted white bread, mayo on top, she liked it a lot, dipped the sandwich in the achaar too. I would have tried, figured doing two different forms of carbs without any protein etc was a bit too much. Guess the batter is mostly protein lol. Still have my 'salad' from the other day (see the previous post), gotta finish that first.

P made a shapely handsome bread in the dutch oven using the first batch of home-cultured yeasts. Proof that the yeastculture worked. I'm beginning to realize we may soon encounter a strange problem to have for times like these: too much yeast. Gonna keep the culture going for a week maybe a little longer as an experiment, and see where we go from there. The original culture's starting to smell too much like alcohol apparently that's to be expected.

After work N and I walked to the schoolgrounds nearby and talked and napped for like a solid hour and a half basking in the sun, absorbing all of that precious precious vitD. Feeling good about this. Didn't do my walk but ehh, got something else that's solid. Apparently we have weeks and weeks of shitty cold weather ahead, which sucks from the sunbasking point of view but is awesome from epidemiological point of view as Americans won't be trying to have fun rulebreaking to get out in the sun eat crabs fire guns chill around grill etc. Thank you nature for all the shitty weather you've given us, and may the coming days be just as shitty and even shittier.

Work was hectic tight rushed because I was completing something that should have been over like two weeks ago and realized there's so much more on my plate than I estimated. On the flip side since I was so productive I ended up writing more than a thousand words, a large percent of that some wildly imaginative fiction. So satisfying.

As I write this, I've been doing this for 20 mins now.

Had carrot and hummus for linner, and bread eggs and fruits for lunch. Delayed my breakfast -- N and P had their breakfast, I left it out, because I had a lot lot lot of food last night including a large serving of noodles with unnaturally large eggs and so so much cheese felt bad about it and my chest hurt a little too so felt like it could be my heart telling me to take it easy, or else.

Got up quite late this morning because went to sleep at 2am -- was up posting and chatting people up, couldn't sleep because of that goddamn nap in the early evening that I so would have avoided if I knew what was happening.

Yeah okay not writing any new posts today, hopefully I can get a few in tomorrow morning if I can go to bed in the next 20 mins. Need to start posting fiction posts too...they're fun and crazy and again not to brag but. Sometimes I do surprise myself.

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