Not to brag but

I started writing in my super-duper-secret personal journal in my work computer during dull hours almost exactly a year ago. In that time, I've posted for 190 days, a total of 110,000 words. Yeah not great I gettit yeah fine it's a start, it's better than 0 days and a total of like maybe 5,000 words. The road to greatness lies not at a long jump but with tiny steps you can barely feel taking, and that kids is how you do your mixed metaphors.

The problem is that the filename clashes are going to happen starting in three days, because I write them in text files, each file given the name that matches the day. So it's going to get confusing it's gonna be wild so so so freaky. I've come up with technical solutions to the issue but don't have the mental energy concentration to implement that so at this point like everything else we're just waiting for the disaster to hit and take us all out.

Speaking of which, Ted Danson aka Michael from The Good Place is on the latest episode of Conan o brien needs a friend, and he's been the most honest clear and lucid about how things are and where they're headed. He forced Conan to reckon with the options too and it's clear things aren't going to be back to where they were for the next...many...months, at least with the entertainment industry no matter what the protestors outside the Mass. State House earlier today want. It's. Just. Not. Gonna. Happen. I'm. Not. Going. To. Restaurants. Any. Time. Soon. And neither are most sane people, and insane people are going to realize it's a lame world out there without other people, well...those of them that uhh make it out well anyway, and so the economy needs to adapt to the changing circumstances.

Personal breathing bubble domes, here we come!

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