Fighter Jets!

Forgot to write this on Saturday, but we saw fighter jets flying realll low, ten jets in groups of five as they rattled our windows and then took a turn around. Concerned me a little because there's no real reason fighter jets should be flying during peacetime and considering everything I could see a possibility where they were actual armed battle-ready jets. Looked up online and apparently it's the famous American flying groups just displaying.

They had put out a schedule apparently and that made thousands of people show up in the national mall in DC to watch them from what the news photos and videos shows they were not particularly interested in maintaining social distancing.

Why might a country fly around fighters in such times of medical desperation, one might wonder, when thousands are dying untimely dead of a disease that's sneaking around attacking families and friends of the victims scaring us all into our houses disrupting our modern economy and dividing us in ways more than one. The reason of course is that the richest country on the Earth also happens to be the hardest hit, the biggest defence spender in the planet by a magnitude is also the largest victim of the disease by almost two magnitudes. The biggest victim is also the most arrogant aggressive and carefree. At these times the masses want to see where their untold billions and trillions went if not to save them in times of need, why there are no bombs that can blow these viruses up why no amount of automatic machine guns can protect them from the enemy. In times like these, the state decided to justify, look, sure we may not be able to defeat out current crisis, but look at the guns! Look at our planes! They're big! Look at the fireballs of destruction and death we could cause! Isn't that insane! Look how powerful we are! Ignore how pathetically helpless disorganized and self-destructive we are, look elsewhere when our current actions will surely cause you great grief and personal loss, just look, look at the sky, figher Jets! Look how awesome they are, aren't they awesome?! This is what we are reallly about, not dying of some pathetic disease like pathetic shithole-living third-world countries, this is real real the disease and deaths...they're, they're, forget about them okay?

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