A desperate recipe for roasted potatoes


It's actually quite simple to make oven-roasted home-fries.

Take a couple of potatoes, and boil them in very hot water until you can easily stick a fork through a potato. You could also microwave it, if you wanted, which is an easier way to do it but it doesn't scale so if you're the only one you're making it for it might make more sense. You'd probably be making it just for yourself anyway wouldn't you considering you couldn't even join up with all your friends, your beloved friends when we begged you to come, offered to cover your expenses, for the trip you'd committed to for three years. And for what, all for a date with someone you didn't even know. What has become of you. We love you, we're your friends, talk to us.

Take your potatoes out from the microwave because that's where they obviously went since there's nobody else there except perhaps your date friend but they're probably the type to not eat potatoes, with all the oil anyway because get ready this recipe requires a lot of oil.

In a bowl throw in a couple of teaspoons of cooking oil, your favourite spice mixes that go well with the potatoes though prefer whole spices than powdered ones because the powdered ones can burn too quick. Drop in a few tablespoons of crushed and cut garlic, ginger too if you want. Don't forget the salt, to taste Everything's to taste. Cut the potatoes to your preferred size, not to small, without peeling off the skin, and mix in with the oil-and-spices concoction.

Preheat the oven to 400 Fahrenheit. You have to have it preheated, otherwise the potatoes will cook unevenly.

Put a foil sheet on a baking tray, spray it will cooking spray or just drop in a light layer of oil, so the potato doesn't stick to the foil. Like you didn't stick with us. Was it worth it? Is there something else you didn't tell us, because we missed you, we really did. People got concerned about what could have happened, they wanted to contact you but you didn't pick up. And we got afraid, had to call up your family and everything. Only to discover everything was fine, you just didn't wanna come. If you're having a fight with someone in the group, we could help you out. Don't abandon us, we've been friends for a long time.

Put the potatoes on the foil, skin side down, and let it roast at 400 for 25 minutes. Take it out after that time, turn around, and put on again for about that time, or until it gets to your level of crispness.

Take it out, let it cool a bit, dress with favourite herbs that go with potatoes, and enjoy. With whoever you'll be hanging with because we know it's not us. Take us back, we're all your friends, sigh.

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