Podcast not walk, funkey roti lunch, new walking route, I comes back, vidygames, sleepin' sound [Wed 14]

 Got up exactly at 7, should have gone for a walk but instead discovered the new episode of the office ladies was out. Listened to that. Tried writing before morning but couldn't. I'm thinking a lot of morning activities like shower, walk, workout and writing have to all go together or none of it goes.

Work was busy with meetings without much work being done.

For lunch made barley aka kodo ko rotis, with water and baking powder and salt and a whole lotta olive oil mixed it. It was so good really I had it just by itself, so filling. I should be having more of that. It's just that when they're cold they look rather sad and pathetic I forget about them. Sourbread pancakes of kodo would be so good ugh. I need to get on this game.

After work spent an hour like writing.

Went to a walk, new route this time. Walked all the way to porter, took the mass ave all the way to when it's parallel to davis, got to davis and walked back home. Talked to SD in brookline on the way, who apparently met someone like me in his part of the city. I promised to see him not the coming weekend but the one after that.

Got home, had lunch of yogurt, the orange fruit that looks like papaya but tastes much worse, and cheese crumbles. Surprisingly nutritious and tasty dinner.

Friend-of-the-house came in with his portable nintendo player device thing, with the mario racing car competition in the nintendo extended universe, BB I and PK played that. BB was quite good at it, I was alright, and PK was surprisingly not-bad. I played it last year and I'm awful quite shockingly so bad it's embarrassing I'd rather not even play it.

It was fun to watch, specially when they got the 200cc vehicles, I watched way wayyy too many of those games, by the time I got to my room it was 11. Roommate BB who goes to bed on time got in late too. Wrote a bunch before sleeping, and then it was bedtime!

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