Dollartree trip, NYC prep [Thu 8]

I write this the evening of the tuesday after. Didn't write on friday because NYC trip, the trip was fun and everything, Monday was indigenous people's day so it was only napping. Don't remember anything from this day, everything here's from the photos. Here we go.

Morning was alright, don't remember what I ate, probably the fluffernutter for lunch. After work went to dollartree got some simple supplies, the bags to pack stuff, and something important I was looking for for a long time. Don't remember what it was. Whatever. It was a cool walk.

Also got my delivery of the pokey things, gonna use them for the next batch of agri experimentation soon enough.

In the evening sort of figured out what I'd be taking to NYC, slept at a pretty decent time because needed to get up fresh and ready for the trip...

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