Someone must Google me,
when they're sad
or bored
And be amazed
and intimidated
and a little bit excited
Is that just me?
I'm not lost
In the world of Instagram
And twitter
The whole horde of dating apps
Surely I'm not forgotten
lost and uncared for,
in the crowd of messages
and DM's.
Surely someone
must hate me enough
to check up on me
To glee at my lack of existence
To bask
In the nothingness that is
my existence in the zukerbergian world.
I looked someone up today
We were friends,
and I still check sometimes
when the days are slow
to see what
she's been up to.
The jobs she's been at
And the conferences she's organizing
The countries she's visited
And the disappointment she's had
with everything.
I looked her up on Google,
that's where I go
In the shit world of feudal techlords
I'm less than a peasant, less than an insect
A nobody, non-existent, invisible.
And yet.
Someone must google me,
when they're sad or lonely
or even horny
surely i am not an island,
a big and self-satisfied one, yes,
but an island nontheless
unconnected from the mainland,
floating in the wild,
Unconnected, uncared, unloved.
Seven billion people in this big round world,
surely there's someone there
who googles me
when they're bored
It can't be, that I'm the only blob
uncared for?
someone out there
must imagine
I've got secrets,
and a great deal of funhaving
that I have to hide,
That I'm busy, and otherwise occupied
Dealing with the big-picture stuff
Too distracted to be
otherwise tied.
What if,
there is nothing
and nobody out there
It's just me
floating in the
Uncared unloved and unwanted
In the modern media land
The zuck has won,
I'm a pariah, an idiot and a fool
Invisible and not of concern.
What if,
the online is real
and I am not
Only way to exist is to
bow down to our great overlord
the all-seeing all-powerful zuckerbot?
And I, the apostate
am done for,
existing but not seen
living but without the live-giving filtered sheen
What is life now
when the likes and snaps are gone
But loneliness and sadness
and the fear
of being forever forgotten?
Do bones and blood a being make
Or photos and videos of glamour and cheap ads
Is what it takes
In this whole new world
Run by the terrible idiotic bloodthirsty kobold?
I am a child,
angry and uncompromising
unable to abandon the uprising
against the control of the techo-lords
and for that I must pay
by being cut of from
the livegiving nutritious social cords
Sometimes I wonder
Is it worth it
And then I remember
I don't know how
One gets into a DM slide
A man outdated and unable to change
that's my freaking fate, forever cringe.
And yet.
I hope.
Someone must Google me,
when they're sad
or bored
And be amazed
and intimidated
and a little bit excited?
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