The old house

Write a scene that takes place inside a haunted house. How did the house become haunted? What do your characters decide to do about it?

Sir, do you have the permit to haunt this house?

Nnnnooo, nnno, sonnn I've been living in this house for 130 years, my great grandfather built this house. He was a poor farmer, working hard in the fields, people lived in huts mostly these days, those British, they lived in huge castles and palaces and big Ranas went to visit them and saw all of that. My great grandfather he went with one of them and saw how lavishly and comfortably they lived, so he came back and tried to get it built. But he didn't know how to build a house, he knew some masons but they couldn't design the stones and wooden beams all of that to make the house so big and strong. When the Rana ministers invited designers from abroad to build their palaces, he looked at their work, and made friends with them. Then by using just the sign language, just the sign language, he couldn't even speak Nepali that poor old man so tired, he was a farmer all his life you know worked in the fields when he wasn't carrying around for the Ranas his skin was dark and parched like that of elephants I remember seeing him as a little child those were the days so very long ago....

Sir, you need a permit to haunt the house, it belongs to other people now, you can't just live in it. I was saying, he was an old old man, those were the days, he couldn't even speak the tongue of the Ranas but they could speak a little bit of our language, he was so proud that they showed interest in our words...the architects they took him in and designed a house for him the problem was the woodworkers and the masons nobody could understand anything from their drawings so he went back got the mud-worker to go with him, and they worked together on a small house made of mud and wood, but they explained that ohh this part needs to be brick, fired brick okay not raw brick, and some parts can be wood, and you need to get this done fast or the house will fall down and so on and on and anyway the rains started falling that monsooon that year the house took four years to complete, they say when it was built it was the most advanced house in the whole valley even the ranas and the kings in the royal palaces used to be jealous of our above, they say, I didn't hear any of it of course I was far too young no no I hadn't even be born...

Sir please back down, I'm telling you you need to get a permit from the city to haunt this house, either that or...

...and then my grandfather, then my father then me, then my son, my grandson, and now my grandson but they're fighting for it, they won't be staying long in it you understand because too many of them the house is only one, they're thinking of selling it, selling it so it can be torn down so they can or somebody else will make one of those ugly houses like everything else they're not rich enough but my grandfather wasn't rich either he was wise he was clever they are not all they care about and think about is the money not the quality so they won't make a good house and it'll fall and they'll blame me for haunting and destroying it, and I don't have the patience to handle it, so this I must do...

Sir please, back down, do not come any closer to me or else...Sir, Sir! now I have to protect the house, you understand, at any cost even if that means I'm punished or bad things happen to me, pain lots of pain, that is what happens I know my future but this is for my family, for my family I must like my great-grandfather....

Ahem, alright, who owns the house, this is the police! Please open the door. I have reasons to believe the pending sale of this house might not be legal!

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