Packup, a very touching and heartfelt meeting, mediocre lunch, Queens walk, final hangout, in midtown, back to Boston [Sun 11]

 Got up super duper early thanks to the many many alarms I'd set, tried going back to sleep. Packed everything up in my backpack, picked it up and headed out to Queens where I was meeting SST.

Was excited by the subway system where you can use NFC in your phone to go in the turnstiles without having to pay for or even buy the tickets separately. Unclear how transfers work for those, but ohh boi, that's made life so much more easy and convenient. I'm still quite excited by the technology.

Found the place, met SST, had the brunch go on for three plus hours. We talked about what we've done since we last met many years ago, common friends, depression and trauma, changes we've made as people, what we want etcetera. She's doing an amazing job in the city, has great roommates and is living an amazing life. An amazing person as always, so excited for her.

The food was extremely very disappointing, never doing it again in that place.

Phone stopped working, due to battery issues. Fortunately got the message from N that the Catskills plan had been cancelled due to Y's parents not feeling well and her having to leave early for back home. So they were in Queens also. Since I had no phone with battery anymore, I memorized the directions S looked up on her phone, and walked in the sketchy parts of Queens to reach the momo place. Used my laptop to charge my phone and call N, and they were at a yet another momo place, fifteen minutes away. 

Reached their place, chilled with the gang for a bit, got caught up with the events happening. My original plan, to stay until tuesday had changed to leaving the city immediately, whenever N did. So we talked about what was in store for us in the foreseeable future, bid Y farewell, and planned with the guys to meet in two weeks. They drove N and I to the train station, N took the train right away, I waited for an hour-and-half in penn station, charging my phone from my laptop. Got onto flex bus. Flex bus is actually so much better than other buses, they even had the plastic barriers between seats, something no other bus service has had.

Was afraid I wasn't going to get a good sleep, but slept for a solid two-and-half hours.

Got home, made myself a wrap with eggs, texas pete hot sauce, raw onions, cheese and kimchi. Too much kimchi in there, it tasted like fire. Either way, stomach was full. Watched a couple of episodes of shark tank, got caught up with ND, BB and PK, and went to sleep. Slept early, like a baby, so sound. Or maybe late, don't remember. Either way the sleep was sound.

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