It's 10.10 in the evening of the next day. I didn't write anything this morning because I got up at the middle of the night, couldn't go to back to sleep and got up super duper late. And during the day I didn't write because we didn't win in the hackathon.
This day I got up late at 8.30, because again as you'll remember I was having sleep troubles. So annoyed by the self-discipline issues, I need to improve myself. Been talking about that a month now, haven't done anything about that. Why why oh why why why.
The day was super duper busy, since it was hackathon and we were tight on time to finish the project.
Got my phone's cloth cover in the morning, it looks so nice! My phone is swanky af, I'm excited about this.
For lunch I had bean salad, simpler than the ones i used to have. This was easier to make, and looked better too. A can of chickpea, cucumber, tomato, chilli pepper, lemon juice fresh, salt, mustard oil, and the trader joe's bagel seasoning. So good.
After work I wrote a bit and went on a walk. Since PK went to JS's place for momo night, BB was home all by himself, he ordered from tacobell.
Listened to a bunch of different podcasts, a lot of which hadn't listened to before. It felt refreshing. Nights are getting closer, it's getting wetter. I need to be okay walking in the dark. It'll be fine. This ain't my first rodeo, this ain't my first new england dark gloomy cold depressing winter.
Walked to almost central square through all those swanky nice houses, turned around to harvard, took the mass ave to porter, and then again halfway to davis, skipped to elm street. Stopped by at CVS because BB wanted ice-cream. CVS is absurdly expensive. A pint of icecream by B&J's including tax was 6.50. I got three bottles of Arizona iced tea too, since they were only fifty cents. I don't like drinking sweet stuff, and I certainly don't enjoy tea but cheap is cheap, so I got it. I can use the bottles to put in my wines too, win win.
Walked back home, BB was watching the office, ready to go to bed. I spent an hour making tacos for dinner. Premade tortilla, refried beans, mushroom garlic and chilli peppers, raw onions, lemon, sour cream, shredded cheese. It was pretty good.
Drank a quarter cup of Arizona iced tea with TONNE of ice. It's alright, I'd never buy it again.
Texted a bunch of embarrassing stuff to SHK.
Even though I wrote the journal post quite early, had a hard time catching up on the other posts, so wrote until 11.15, and went to bed. Didn't have too much trouble going to bed. It was a pity that I didn't plan on bathroom breaks before going to bed.this evening.
In any case, here we are. Toodles.
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