Weather's getting colder

There was a week maybe a month ago when it was intolerably cold and we all freaked out how this year heating would be turned on in September. Fortunately that week was an aberration and the temperatures stabilized. So it's not been intolerably cold yet.

Now that we're in late October quickly getting into November, the temperatures have gotten colder. In the upper thirties and lower fourties as the coldest temperatures, and in the mid sixties as the highest on a good day. A warm trouser and a light jacket is sufficient, but if you're not walking quickly you could feel cold drafts and it's a little chilly even with proper clothing on.

The next weekend is the timezone changeover, when we lose an hour of daylight to the morning when nobody is up to enjoy it. Which is an amazing reason for making my schedule more morning-based. Going into the pandemic, I promised myself I'd be a morning person, walk and workout and meditate in the mornings, get up so early and get my mind cleared up and everything. It's not worked out like that unfortunately. I'll either mess up my sleeping cycle somehow and be unable to get up until just a few minutes before work begins, or I get up hours before but do nothing and chill about right on my bed. It's sad and pathetic, should really train myself to be more active in the morning.

One advantage of the non-morning schedule is that even if mornings are a bust with weather, it's too cold or windy or wet, I can spend several hours during the day for things to improve before I head out to walk. Which I guess is also not that great because it's not about the walks, it's about so much more and I'm totally wasting my precious bright cold potentially productive mornings. Walking and meditation, should be doing those if nothing else. Still need to get on a timetable, I've talked about it for two weeks solid, I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.

I'm afraid of the cold, as well as the dark days. The cold because it saps away all the energy from me and makes me scared to leave the house. Leave my bed even, it's so warm and comfortable inside, I begin questioning the usefulness of the daily walks and other outings. As a result my body gets out of shape, I feel bad about myself and there's generally bad feelings going about. The dark is scary because you think as if it's 'time over', that the day's ended at 4 in the evening and you've wasted your life away doing nothing. Of course, the Vitamin D thing, and the SAD and the gloominess caused by crappy weather is a whole another thing.

I have a theory that I want to test in the coming weeks. That no matter how crappy the days are, and how early it gets dark, if you're out in the open in the nature for some time, you feel energetic. So while the vit-d issue is true, even besides that getting fresh air seeing other people, and basically appreciating that we're human beings and need human contact is an important aspect of feeling good. That means I'll be going out on strolls and walks almost always, except on days with extreme extenuating circumstances. Fingers crossed, this winter won't be too bad. The last one was fine, here's to hoping this will be similar.

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