Winter will be coming soon

 This week has been gloomy, to put it mildly. Temperatures in the fourties and fifties in freedom units, it's going to snow tomorrow, the ground won't be frozen but the temperatures will be below freezing. Right in time for Halloween. Like the first Halloween I had in this country nine years ago when it snowed in the evening and everything was white. It was magical my first real snow long term. It quickly got boring. First memories. I should have written more then, maybe I have but I'm too lazy to look it up. The good thing is I can always search for things in this blog. This is going to be exciting nine years from now when I can look back at Halloween 2020 when I did nothing and realize that it snowed that weekend!

It has been raining for the last two days, yesterday was manageable, today was drenching. Still went on a two-hour walk because that's how you beat winter. By not giving up, by never ever ever surrendering. They say live by the clocks of nature. The people in Northern Norway would be pretty inconvenienced by it. I saw, the clock of nature is just a mild guide, live by your inner clock your brain clock and if it says it's time to go on a walk then it's time to go on a walk. If it says that despite it being dark gloomy cold wet rainy and possibly even snowy, you still go along. Doing otherwise is inviting the gloomies, surrendering your wellbeing to the darkness.

And this is just the preparation. Real test comes three days from now when the Sun will start going down at 4pm on a bright warm day. In sad dark gloomy days it'll feel like dead dark at 3pm, it'll be so chilly you could imagine yourself being in the North Pole, and your face will hurt, it'll be like being stabbed like a thousand microknives. The head will be throbbing, ears will be freezing off, nose frozen solid ready to be chipped off. The howling winds will stop you from walking or push you too hard. The wind will carry pile of fluffy snow, making it look like the north pole like they show in the documentaries. Terrible, terrible.

Yet, we must not surrender, we must never ever ever surrender. We need to go out in the cold and the dark and walk, walk through the slushes and the frozen black snow, walk through the cutting wind that threatens to cut us in to. Walk through cold rain, the honking cars, blaring emergency veicles. The sun will be impotent, there is no respite in these months outside of our well heated expensive hosues. yet we must go on. For that is our only way to keep sane, to remind ourselves that we remain the same, as the world around us changes.

This one's going to be tough, obviously. No more going out, no more hanging out with friends, no festivals no holidays. So we have to distract ourselves: meditation, podcasts, creative pursuits, and long tough walk where we think about ourselves, future plans, and just reflect upon our existence. A time for collecting ourselves in this otherwise hectic era.

Let's do this. Without fear, without a deep falling feeling in our stomachs. With grace, patience and strength. There is no other option. We have friends with us: our friends and family. But also indoor full-spectrum lighting and vitamin supplements to keep our sanity. This won't be too hard.

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